I find myself in continuous levels of growth.
I took part in my first outdoor event and was able to share space with my life partner. We both set up as vendors at the Black Arts and Wine festival. She sold her custom designed fedoras, ballcaps and jackets. I sold my handmade copper jewelry.
Being an online based seller, makes the load and interactions a lot less overwhelming. In person, the engagement is much more personal...and if you are an introvert , like me, it can be an energetic overload.
But what I loved about the new experience was how much support was given, even when customers noticed my social battery was declining. lol I appreciated the grace given by my community because we are all in fact...human.
I also loved getting to know my community, learning about their lives and lives of their loved ones who had issues with joint pain and how they learned that copper can assist. I enjoyed being an information giver as well as an information receiver.
And while the experience was different for me, it is an experience, I'd do again and again.